Post-Development: Just an Utopian, Abstract Critique of Development or Practical Starting Point for Development from Below?

by Julia Schöneberg

You are looking for a very (very) brief introduction to Post-Development? Look no further!

Here’s a zine for you!

You are wondering what a zine is?

As you know, the aim of the Convivial Thinking Collective is to push boundaries of traditional, oftentimes restrictive, forms of knowledge production and its dissemination.

Pushing these boundaries sometimes means experimenting and a result of one of these experiments is this zine. Zines are self-published, non-commercial, low-cost little booklets that can easily be reproduced and shared. You could view it as a small scale protest to the monopoly of academic publishers and the exclusionary structures of publishing.

Not sure what to do with it? It’s easy: Print it, fold it, read it, share it!



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